Wednesday, 23 February 2011

My Very First Blog Entry

It's finally here! The launch of my blog! 


I have been wanting to write this blog for a long while now, but I kept putting it off for reasons I'm about to explain.

Reason #1: I wasn't sure of what to write about. 
Reason #2: I was very busy dealing with academic writings. (Duhh lame..I know!) 
Reason #3: I was so busy blog-hopping, hoping to get some inspirations to start writing my own blog.
Reason #4I was lazy! 
Reason #5: (drum roll please..) I was afraid that no one would read it!!  

So here I am, writing my first blog entry! I hope it's not too late for me to join the world of the so-called bloggers. Having said that, I think I need a reward for this one! Don't you think so? Well, it's not that easy to start something new you know! <<This is SO me, always find a reason to 'reward' myself.>>

I hope I will keep you (and myself) interested in whatever I have to say in this blog :) As I mentioned before, 'laziness' was one of the reasons for not blogging earlier. So If I haven't posted any new entry for a couple of days, please give me a poke and I'll try to get a new post up to my wall as soon as possible. I just want to ensure I'll keep writing even though there's nothing much to write about. <<DING! I guess I've just found a solid reason to make sure I'll keep up with the latest story or gossip around me so that I can write about it. *EVIL LAUGH*>>

Okay I will stop scribbling (Farouk, I borrow this word ya) and rambling now! I need to save the rest for the next posts. :) 

Goodbye, until then. 

5 Words of Love:

Farouk Harun said...

Welcome flo! I am honestly happy for you..a good start! =)

Izzul Faiz A.M. said...

kak flo,
harus gituu, malangkah maju setapak dh...
ada masa follow kite lah ye....

Florinta Edward said...

Farouk: Awww so are my inspiration! Wink wink! Haha..btw, thank you :)

Izzul: Thanks for following Izzul :)Yup, I just visited your blog. I'm officially following you! :)

Ilyana Fauzy said...

heeee! likey u ade blog dh! :~)

Florinta Edward said...

Haah finally dah lah blogging nie..hehe